Is it really Brime Time?

Sam Proof
Streamers Corner
Published in
3 min readJul 28, 2020


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Early Monday Brime went live on Periscope to host a Q&A to some pretty enthusiastic and at times cynical 14K viewers.

I’ve gathered the liner notes on what was talked about below.

Hosted by a man identified as TJ Marsh, previously from Xbox Universe and involved with 4 other companies (this was alluded to but the companies were never identified) TJ took questions from the live audience that hit a CCV of 300+ viewers at times, not an easy feat for a chat that was loaded with questions and at times trolls calling the whole thing a scam.

This is the first step to showing that Brime is exactly NOT a scam and is a legit effort to launch a new creator focussed streaming platform.

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On the surface, I could easily take a stance to be a cynic but TJ seemed very sincere and for the first time, I’m honestly very curious to see what’s going to happen with this fledgling streaming platform to be.

Since the Q&A was not left up as an archive to be reviewed I present to you now with the notes I took on what are the more interesting notes. I’m sure I’ve missed some things and feel free to leave a comment with any of those.

TJ talked about a few things that were more subjective to response to questions about things like how their Twitter account was being run or typos on their initial landing page and I’m not going to bother with things of that nature but just keep it to what the Platform will offer.

Notes from the Brime Q&A Periscope Live Stream on 8/28/20

  • Brime is based in Arizon
  • Brime has a team of 18 people including TJ Marsh
  • Features will include: Hosting, VODS, QTB (see below), Cloud Bot, Moderation, Subs, Clips — basically, all the things you expect from a platform that might give streamers an alternative to Twitch
  • Brime will offer Affiliate and Partner programs.
  • These programs will be NON-exclusive and streamers can multistream to simultaneous platforms.
  • Affiliate will be granted after your account is verified, which includes a 24 hour wait period and age confirmation.
  • As stated FTL is a Proprietory Microsoft product and cannot be offered. Brime will, however, offer a similar ultra-low latency called QTB (Quicker than blinking)
  • Brime will include a Moderation control panel and Cloud Bot
  • Brime will also have “Global Mods”
  • The Brime API will go public on Launch day
  • Subs will start at $7 — $5 will go to the streamers and $2 to Brime
  • Clips will have an interface similar to a DVR function that will allow a streamer/viewer to go further back in the timeline to do create a VOD.
  • Finally, Brime will be putting out an official Road Map in the next couple of weeks.

You can get more information on Brime on their discord

Rumors of big streamers joining the channel were met with a simple “I can’t talk about that not” but also the reminder that Brime will be nonexclusive. So we’ll see, do they have an ace in the hole to bring in more viewers from day one or is the mystery of Brime enough to push this new contender in to the ring?



Sam Proof
Streamers Corner

Live streaming since 2005. #Writer, Director, Internet Viking, Actor/Host, Producer @kickinshow. I Internet for a living.